Dangerous INFO Podcast
Welcome to the spiritual battle of our lives. This kind of information is Dangerous to their plans of a technocratic, global enslavement takeover. Liberty, freedom and truth is what Dangerous INFO patriots like us all want, it’s that simple. Show guests include: L.A. Marzulli, Gary Wayne, KrisAnne Hall, Patrick Wood, Kate Dalley, Dr. Laura Sanger, Carrie Madej, Scott Mitchell, Mark Carpenter, Timothy Alberino, Professor Robin McCutcheon, David DuByne, Marjory Wildcraft, Joel Salatin, JC Hall, Dr. Sean Brooks, Good Patriot, The Kilted Prepper Raymond Mhor, storytellers, researchers and more.
Dangerous INFO Podcast
57 "Surviving the Beast System" ft. The Kilted Prepper, Raymond Mhor, realistic preparedness, build your ark, SHTF, 90 days of food, hardening your security, social engineering, food shortages, planned societal destruction
The Kilted Prepper, Raymond Mhor was raised by a depression era mother who taught him how to preserve, can, dehydrate food and on nice spring days they used to forage for wild edibles. She instilled the preparedness lifestyle in him at a young age.
He was part of special ops during the Reagan years, jumped out of perfectly good planes, ate snake and monkey and learned even more survival skills thanks to his military training. He spent 4 years living as an expat in Costa Rica and Panama. In Panama he lived totally off the grid on a 65 acre ranch and had one of the largest solar production set ups in all of Panama.
He is the author of 8+ books, many dealing with living a preparedness lifestyle from a Christian perspective. Has been on a number of TV shows and was featured on History channel focusing on his Christian Preparedness ideals. Raymond continues to work to educate and inform people of what is coming down the pipe and how to realistically prepare via conferences, special appearances on TV, radio and podcast interviews.
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SMART is the acronym that was created by technocrats that have setup the "internet of things" that will eventually enslave humanity to their needs.
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Send stuff: Jesse Jaymz, PO Box 541, Clarkston, MI 48347